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E pe otciparik Wikipetcia

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Aitapihikewin:Wikidata/i18n/doc

local i18n = {
	["errors"] = {
		["property-not-found"] = "Propietat no trobada.",
		["entity-not-found"] = "Entitat no trobada.",
		["unknown-claim-type"] = "Tipus d'afirmació (claim) desconegut.",
		["unknown-entity-type"] = "Tipus d'entitat desconegut.",
		["qualifier-not-found"] = "Qualificador no trobat.",
		["site-not-found"] = "Projecte Wikimedia no trobat.",
		["unknown-datetime-format"] = "Format data/horari desconegut.",
		["local-article-not-found"] = "L'article encara no està disponible en aquest wiki",
		['not-from-content-page'] = "No invoqueu Wikidata directament en un article. Useu una plantilla o bé Wikidata/proves."
	["datetime"] =
		-- $1 is a placeholder for the actual number
		[0] = "$1 mil milions d'anys",	-- precision: billion years
		[1] = "$100 milions d'anys",	-- precision: hundred million years
		[2] = "$10 milions d'anys",		-- precision: ten million years
		[3] = "$1 milions d'anys",		-- precision: million years
		[4] = "$100.000 anys",			-- precision: hundred thousand years
		[5] = "$10.000 anys",			-- precision: ten thousand years
		[8] = "dècada del $1",			-- precision: decade
		-- the following use the format of #time parser function
		[6] = 'xrY "mil·lenni"',		-- precision: millennium
		[7] = '"segle" xrY',			-- precision: century
		[9]  = "Y",						-- precision: year
		[10] = "F Y",					-- precision: month
		[11] = "j F Y",					-- precision: day
		[12] = "j F Y ga",				-- precision: hour
		[13] = "j F Y g:ia",			-- precision: minute
		[14] = "j F Y g:i:sa",			-- precision: second
		["beforenow"] = "fa $1",		-- how to format negative numbers for precisions 0 to 5
		["afternow"] = "d'aquí $1",		-- how to format positive numbers for precisions 0 to 5
		["bc"] = '$1 aC',				-- how print negative years
		["ad"] = "$1",					-- how print positive years
		["bc-addon"] = " aC",			-- suffix for negative dates
		["ad-addon"] = " dC",			-- suffix for 1st century AD dates
	["monolingualtext"] = '<span lang="%language">%text</span>',
	["warnDump"] = "[[Categoria:Funció Dump del mòdul Wikidata]]"

-- Functions for local grammatical cases
local cases = {
	["infoboxlabel"] = function(word) return require("Module:Wikidata/labels").fixInfoboxLabel(word) end,
	["infoboxdata"] = function(word) return require("Module:Wikidata/labels").infoboxdata[word] or word end,
	-- case gender and item is female
	["feminine"] = function(word) return require("Module:ca-flexió").fem(word) end,
	-- case infoboxlabel and itemgender is female
	["labelfeminine"] = function(word) return require("Module:Wikidata/labels").fixInfoboxLabel(require("Module:ca-flexió").fem(word)) end

return {
	i18n = i18n,
	cases = cases